Monday 12 May 2008

Inspire or control

there are many types of people within leadership, but for today I just want to focus on two, and see if we recognise ourselves in either of these, and the consequences to them. 1: controller: this might be someone who has their hand on the situation, and knows exactly what is going on, and how things should be happening throughout the whole place. 2: The inspirer: this is someone who encourages people, believes in them, gives them freedom, let's them believe that they can do things. In our youthwork, I have seen both of these kinds of youthworkers, and even parents as well. those who shout, control, tell young people what should happen, tell them when they haven't achieved, and then there are those who inspire, bring out the positive, demonstrate encouragement, enable the young person to beleive that htey can do, they can achieve. So when we think of these two types of people, who are we more like, and more to the poitn, who was Jesus more like, and what does this say to us if we are meant to demonstrate something of God to those around us?

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