Friday 9 May 2008

Infectious personality

I have noticed by watching various people, tha tthe people you hang aorund with actualy impact you as a person. If you hang around happy people, you become happy yourself. If you hang around misserable people you become miserable yourself. So what do you think it would have been like when people hung around Jesus? I reckon that it would have been exciting, chalenging, and amazing, so why don't we demonstrate some of that today. We all like people to be around us, but people aren't going to be around us if we are angry miserable people are they. People generally generate around happy, positive, forwrdt hinking people, not negative people. So let me encourage you, and challenge you in your youthwork, be positive, be happy, and be forward thinking as this will enoucrage people to be around yo, and the god that we serve.

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