Tuesday 30 September 2008

Release our young people!!!!!

The more and more that I chat to other youth workers, and the more I read about things, there is a lot of chat about releasing young people into ministry in different ways, and in different forms. But yet, it still seems to be just chat. Although there is lots of good intentions, there is little action. It is time to take a risk, time to stop talking and act upon our feelings, and release our young people. visit www.rolltherock.org.uk and click on the release link

Thursday 25 September 2008

great line from Snow Patrol

In their song, "chasing cars", Snow Patrol have a great line which reads, "I need your grace, to remind me, of my own", I am unsure of their spirituality, or even if they have a relationship with God, but this line has struck me hard recently. We all need Gods grace, and isn't it a great thing that we aren't God, as we would struggle to show that level of Grace, but yet, we still need to acknowledge the amount of grace that we need from God, to remind us, of how much we need to show others. So when othersspeak out of turn, hurt us badly, or make comments that are unnecesary, unjust, and unhelpful, do we need to think about the Grace that God shows us when we do exactly that to him.

Monday 22 September 2008

Money great, but what's the purpose?

there has recenlty been an anouncement that the government want to pour more money into the police and detached youth work, for work after school. this in essence sounds great, but part of me can't help wondering what the poitn is, or what the aim of this money is? If they are aimng to provide something constructive for young people, and offer them something that will give them hope, purpose and a future in their lives then great, but if they are only putting the money in, because people compalin about young people hanging around, then this can only be seen as a waste of money. what's the point in putting money into police and detahced youth work, unless you offer something tangeable, menaingful and constructive alongside it? Young people need to feel as though they have a place in society,r ather than just a group of people who are being policed out of sight all the time.

Thursday 18 September 2008

Spirtuality of boys

This is something that I intend looking into with my next masters assignment, but for now, it is fairly clear that boys and girls think differently, work differently, interact differently, process things differently, study differently, socialise differently, and thus, my initial thought, is that when we are engaging with young people, do we need to engage differently with boys than we do with girls. It is true that God deals with us all individually, and recognises all our different weaknesses and attributes, but, I am sure he also recognises all the general differences between boys and girls, and thus enables us as youthworkers to think how we may be able to approach these different genders.

Tuesday 16 September 2008

New netowrking site for youthworkers

there is now a new secure space for youth workers to gather together, share ideas and read some written material. Nothing definitive as such, just a community where ideas ca be formed, thinking can be sharpened, and youtwork can hopefully move forward in an exciting challenging and supportive way. Visit: www.rolltherock.org.uk and click on youthworkers network. ensure you register to be able to share ideas, and thinking and support others, as well as being supported yourself.

Friday 5 September 2008

training and events upcoming

Hi Just some up and coming training and events that people might be interested in. December 12th and 17th, there is 2 dyas of training for those working with young people, examining drug and substance abuse. it is free to go and is in the centre of Harrogate, but also is taking place else where as well. Visit: www.drugtrain.org.uk for more details. Superhero live in Harrogate 26th September sees superhero come to Harrogate as part of their uk tour. Performing at Ashville College, doors open 7 pm, tickets can be bought through Rolltheorck, or wesley owen in town. for email info please email: superhero@rolltherock.org.uk tickets £6 October 4th, RolltheRock holding their annual celebration at Life Destiny Church offices, hookstone park. for any more information, or to confirm that you will be coming, please email: celebration@rolltherock.org.uk This will be a time to launch our new 3 year vision, and also induct our new trainees upon our training course. If yo have any information or events coming up, please email us at: blogs@rolltherock.org.uk and we shall get it up here for you.