Monday 22 September 2008

Money great, but what's the purpose?

there has recenlty been an anouncement that the government want to pour more money into the police and detached youth work, for work after school. this in essence sounds great, but part of me can't help wondering what the poitn is, or what the aim of this money is? If they are aimng to provide something constructive for young people, and offer them something that will give them hope, purpose and a future in their lives then great, but if they are only putting the money in, because people compalin about young people hanging around, then this can only be seen as a waste of money. what's the point in putting money into police and detahced youth work, unless you offer something tangeable, menaingful and constructive alongside it? Young people need to feel as though they have a place in society,r ather than just a group of people who are being policed out of sight all the time.

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