Friday 3 October 2008

Viewing of child protection?

How is it that people see child protection issues these days? there is certainly an argument that things have gone way to far as far as paper work is concerned, but how do organisations and people actually see child protection issues. Do we see them as protecting us as the workers? Do we see child protection as there to protect the young people? do we see child protection as creating a rod for our back? Do we see child protection as something we are prepared to go so far with, but not any further? I am sure there are lots of thoughts, and many other questions, but hopefully this will be a starting point.

Thursday 2 October 2008

Theology of winning

It is interesting listening to people discussing their relationship with their kids, or with the young people they work with, and how they describe that they can't "let young people win". win what you may ask, well win arguments, or win discussions, but it is the issue, of not allowing young people to win, or even the issue of winning itself that interests me. why is it as adults we are reluctant to be corrected, inspired, educated, or just learn from young people, why is it that we always feel that we have to be right, and not allow the openness of valuing the thoughts of our young people. And more to the point, do discussions have to be seen as won? is there not an argument for resolution, which is different that winning. For me winning implies that there is a looser, someone who is put down, and as much as I do agree with compeititon ins port, and thngs, I am not sure that competition and winning are useful elements in relationships in life.

Wednesday 1 October 2008

10 commandments of child protection

I have recently come across a very interesting blog, that listed, almost the 10 commandments of blogging, and although it was doen slightly tongue in cheak, there was some sanity, and sobering thoghts behind them, so it got me thinking, could we construct the 10 commandments of Child Protection, or are there just too many to try and fit into the 10 commandments. Any thoughts at all, would be great.