Wednesday 30 April 2008

allow ourselves to be challenged

In so many places I hear that adults are leading young people, advising them, telling them, directing them, but in how many places do we hear that adults are actually open to being challenged by young people? Recently having done an event with some young people, a teacher at the school suggested that she had been challenged, and reminded by the young people who wanted the event, that sometimes the Christian faith is about taking risks. She has made this public, and I think this is a brave, courageous, and very open statement. How refreshing it is to hear an adult to be challenged by some young people, and isn't this a challenge to us all, especially when Jesus suggests we should all come to him like little children.

Tuesday 29 April 2008

Staying up to date!!!!!

I was recently looking at a youthwork website, and it hadn't been updated for a number of weeks, and a number of the things on the front page were also a number of weeks and months out of date. This made me think about how relevant we try to make our youthwork. It is important that we face issues, and tackle the situaitons that our young people face who we work with. And more than this, we also need to keep up to date with our relationship with God, and ensure we are stilling in the right place,and doing the things that he wants us to do. the idea of staying up to date is important as far as work is concerned, but also as far as our calling upon our life, and our relaitonship with god is concerned as well.

Monday 28 April 2008


I recently came across an exerpt from a book which looked at human ideals of empire, power and authority, and those of Jesus. the interesting part was that it suggested that those who would have power, IE, those who maybe would be leaders would be those who would, for example e cleaning the toilets. It made me rember that the last shall be first, and that god respects all, values all, and those who are classed as last in our society, are generally first in god's. I remember a teacher once saying to me about the kids in his school: that the kids were being conditioned to pass exams, go to uni, and get firsts, but his challenge was what about those who wouldn't make it, the milkman, the dustbin man, or the street cleaner, and then he said something that has stuck with me for over 10 years now, society needs these people, and wouldn't function properly without them, so why don't we value them as much as others. such a strong point, and such a challenging one, so let's remember how God views all the young people we work with, and remember that rathr than seeking the biggest, or in earthly terms the greatest work, let's just do what God called us to do, and be who he called us to be, even if that means we have to clean the toilets sometimes.

Friday 25 April 2008

Power and authority

People sometimes look at youthworkers as those who have power and authroity over yong people, but how did Jesus look at power and authority? Basically he washed feet, told stories and played with kids, not the type of authority and power that people think of in todays society. So what does this say for us? Well sometimes the power we might seek is not the power that Jesus would want us to have, and maybe the influence we could have is found in different ways than we think. Let's addopt the Jesus approach to power and authority and we shall make a huge difference in eople's lives.

Thursday 24 April 2008

Making sure it works

I have recently just bought a new laptop, and realised a number of difficutlies tat come along with Windows vista. It doesn't offer the same easiness as outlook express, and the voice that I need for a screen reader also doesn't help. So do all new thing swork, and do they elp us out in life? Not at all. So the chllenge for us is to realise those things that work, those things that are good for us, and those things that are going to enable us to work better with the young people we work with, and enable us to fulfil the calling that God has placed upon us, rather than just aking everything on board because it is new and sounds great. As sometimes it can make life much harder than easier to take new things on board.

Wednesday 23 April 2008

Ever on a break?

It is one of those amazing things with youth work that none of us ever seem to be properly on a break. Even when I had met some friends in town for a birthday party, and was walking back, some young people still stopped me to talk about what I had done in school. When we went shopping to get our daughters some shoes, the assistants in the shop had remembred me from school also, so never of duty. But the flip side is that it says something about our work, something about our relaitonship with young people when they actually come and chat to us, even when they don't have too. Is this the same with our relationship with God, we don't have too spend time with him, but hey he really does enjoy us coming and chatting to him, no matter what the issue. So let's enjoy the time the young people come and chat to us, but hey, always remember it does help to get away and have a break as well.

Tuesday 22 April 2008

Body language and chat rooms

Sounds like a strange one yes? Well you migt well be quite right, but it is something tht has struck me over this last while, for youth workers and others that have any association with young people, that the more time people spend in chat rooms, and involve themselves in chat room discussions, the worse their ody language is. chat rooms enable you to have quick discussions, without the face to face interaction, and you only have to give that quick response, so demonstrating interest, or showing that your attention is not evided is impossible in a chat room, as noone knows if you are making a cup of tea, chatting to someone else, making the dinner, watching TV, or doing a whole hoast of other things. So my conclusion is that the more time that people spend in chat rooms and discuss things, the worse their body language is in reality, and the less they demonstrate interest in others in real face to face relationships. this is a challenge to all of us who work with other people.

Monday 21 April 2008

Following up on responses

follow up to any event is one of those things which first of all is vital if the event is going to be a success, but it is also one of those things which can be remakrably difficult to get right in all circumstances. Is it better, to suggest something to young people and wait and see how many actually sign up before you make it happen, or is it better to put something on and see how many come along to it? My own persoanl opinion is to put something on and let young people know about it, rather than just waiting for them to sign up. If something is there, organised and ready, they are more likely to come along. But do you have any experience of this kind of thing, and what works best for you.

Friday 18 April 2008

Remaining true

Ths is always a tough situation when things start to go really well. Recently I have been faced with a couple fo situations where things have gone extremely well, better than I could have expected, and have brought results and possibilities that I would never have dreamt of. It takes a lot of work to remain true to the call, to the work that I know I am meant to be involved with. I enjoy the geat things that God has done, and I look forward to the great things that God is going to do next, but will enjoy the great things he is doing at the moment. So let me encourage you, to stay true to the call of working with young people, and enjoy the great moments, give thanks to God for all the great things that take place, but don't become arrogant, or fall into the pit of pride, but smile, enjoy, and keep true, and always remember what God has called us too, and continue to look forward to the next thing as well as enjoying the moment.

Thursday 17 April 2008

When young people face trouble

This is possibly a contravertial posting this morning, but I have been watching the news and noted that they have arrested a young person on suspecion of murder last year. Of course if it is true then the young person needs to take whatever punishment society decides is appropriate, but do they also need help? Do they also need to know that God loves them, and there is a second chance, and even moe chances in life with God? I imagine a number of christians will walk away from the person who committed the crime, and walk to the people who are sufering from the crime, but I would suggest that the person commiting the crime also needs to know that God is still there and God still wants them to knwo that he loves them and wants that relaitonship with them. This is our challenge s youth workers, because young people will not always do what we expect, or hope they will, but at the same time we need to stay with them and support and encourage them, even through those really tough moments.

Tuesday 15 April 2008

Inspiring young people

When 4 girls approach you and suggest they want to put on an event in their school, and make it an evangelistic event, you know that you are going to be in an exciting place. the challenge, and the great thing is, to guide, advise, but most of all to inspire those young people, because once they have seen the event take place, then they will go and make a huge difference throughout the world. We should not just dismiss, but examine, inspire, and encourage and see what we can do to put on the event that they want. The event went ahead that I spoke about at the beginning, and the outcome is still being worked out, but we know that it has had an amazing response.

Monday 14 April 2008

Linking with schools

Last week we took a huge risk, we put on an evangelistic event for a whole school. The event was dreampt up by 4 girls in the school, and we got alongside them and supported them in the venture. We had a band, Superhero, who I would reccommend to anyone who wants decent lads, playing amazing Christian music, and prepared to get to know people as well, not big into the celebrity style of things. I spoke, and we had so many young people, and staff just getting involved and enjoying a quality Christian event. It worked well in a small school of under 800 pupils, but also worked well, because of a longstanding link with the school. Is this something you could do in your area. We also had follow up cards so girls who were challenged by the event could fill them out afterwards, and we are waiting to see how many actually filled these cards out. We have also got a discussion group in place to folow up anyone who may be interested. It was a great success.

Wednesday 9 April 2008

Making it relevant

It i interesting when I chat to young people, they don't always think that the Bible, or some of the guidelines are still relevant today. But once you engage them in a discussion about their lives, and about the guidelines the Bible suggests they soo see that some guidelines do actually make sense to them in their lives today. let me suggest to you to look at the 10 commandments and see how you can make them relevant to young people today, I am writing a programme for youthworkers, so if anyone would liek tojoin in and hlep e write it, then please do get in touch through. chat soon, and keep it releant.

Tuesday 8 April 2008

Online troubles!!!!!

So have peole seen the issues recently about social netowkring sites, and also games for young people. I now that this is something that I blog abot regularly, but it is something that concerns me more than a lot of things as far as young people, and the protection of young people is concerned. It went to awhole different level lst night, when watching panorama, and they suggested that sectarian troubles still existed in Northern Ireland, due to comments left on Bibo and other places on the internet. Are we as youth workers, and parents eally aware of the issues and troubles that young people face on the internet.

Thursday 3 April 2008


Just in case some of you were not aware of it, there is a discussion going on at present as to whether they should reclassify canibis. Some are wanting it to stay as a class C drug, and others think the danger is to great and it should be reclassified as a class B drug. All that I can suggest, is that if the issue comes up within your yoth group, that you get some good drug training material, and maybe just point out to the young people, that the Bible regards the body as a temple for the Holy Spirit to reside in, so why would we want to damage a temple. How much do we value the temple that is our body. there are various sites, such as Talk to Frank that can provide good information, but I would suggest if the issue comes up, a frank, and open discussion about the situation might be a good way to start the process.

Wednesday 2 April 2008


Here is a challnege, how far are we prepared to deconstruct, all that we do in our work to ensure that it is as pure, and right as possible. Are we prepared to deconstruct all our work, and ll our faith, to ensure that the reasons behind our work, and the work itself is as pure and right as possible. Do we deconstruct our faith to ensure that there is little tradition, but mainly pure relaitonship with god, and all that he wants us to do in our jobs. This is not a suggestion that we throw everything out that we do and believe, but it is a bit of a suggestion for a spiritual and work mot if you like.