Thursday 17 April 2008

When young people face trouble

This is possibly a contravertial posting this morning, but I have been watching the news and noted that they have arrested a young person on suspecion of murder last year. Of course if it is true then the young person needs to take whatever punishment society decides is appropriate, but do they also need help? Do they also need to know that God loves them, and there is a second chance, and even moe chances in life with God? I imagine a number of christians will walk away from the person who committed the crime, and walk to the people who are sufering from the crime, but I would suggest that the person commiting the crime also needs to know that God is still there and God still wants them to knwo that he loves them and wants that relaitonship with them. This is our challenge s youth workers, because young people will not always do what we expect, or hope they will, but at the same time we need to stay with them and support and encourage them, even through those really tough moments.

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