Thursday 7 June 2007

Varied Life?

The more and more time I spend in youth work, and in ministry, I find that there are more and more people who just throw themselves into Church, or their ministry so to speak, but I wonder if that is what God would really expect from us? Jesus himself even took time out, for himself, he went away, he hid from others, I imagine if there were various things in those days as there are now he would have had varius interests outside of his ministry. Can I put it out out there that it is not healthy for us to totally and absolutely just foucs on our ministry during our waking hours. Can I suggest to you all that we need to have interests, passions, whether it be football, golf, films, (and not thinking how you could use the film in youth work), but let's enjoy life as well as enjoying the minstry and privilege that god has called us too.

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