Friday 15 June 2007

Celebrity status?

Just something that struck me whilst lstening to the radio this morning, as they discussed how celebrities have an impact on the sexual activity of our young people, who actually makes people celebrities, and as youth workers is there a kind of celebrity status that goes with our job, and if there is how comfortable are we with that? As I walk through town time after time, so many young people come up and want to chat to me, and even shout to their mates, looks it's Andy, which gives almost a kind of celebrity status to our youh work, but is this something we should look for or something we should even fight against? Personally it is great that young people want to talk, and I would suggest that we should neve fight against that status that young people want to put upon us, but also remeber that it is God that we want the young people to know and come into relationship wh, not us.

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