Thursday 17 May 2007

How people learn!!!!!!!!!!!

At a recent meeting to do with Extended Schools, an issue was discussed that could really change not only our youth work but also things in schools as well. We were looking at the issue of how young people learn, and whether or not the way they are taught in schools is similar to how they learn outside of school. It was decided and felt that young people learn diferently utsdie of school to the way they learn in school at times, so is this a challenge to us as youthworkers. How do we aim to get our message across, and do we actually take into account how young people take in info, or do we just look at how we take in info, or how we are able to deliver it. Somemes we just need to come out of our comfort zone, and aim to deliver info ina way that young people will be able to take it in.

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