Tuesday 22 May 2007

Boundaries of trust!!!!!!!

In today's society people are becoming more and more sinical in their interaction with others. And this is becoming truer and truer with young people as well. Infact I would go as far as to say that all young people are doing is showing societies sinicism in an even more real way than most other adults. When working with oung people, I am contstanly aware that they are going to push the boudaries, test me, to see how mch they can actually trust me, and it is down to me show that they can trust me totally in my relaitonshipw ith them. As long as I am not saying oen thing to them and doing another behind their back. This was deomonstrated to me a while back when some young epople tested myself and anothe youth worer by throwing stones at us, we carried on walking towards them and when they asked why, we said because we sitll wanted to be with them. The told us that most other youth workers had walked away from them even though they had not thrown stones at them. At this point our relaitonship witht hat group greew imensely. Let u realse that people will test those boundaries, but it is down to us to show that we will always show Gods love to them. god might think that with the things we say and do, we are testing his boundaries, even when we don't do it intentionally, but his love is always there, so how much of that can we show to the young people we work with.

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