Wednesday 21 March 2007

suffering leadership

The suffering side of leadership can often follow on from the sacreficial side. What you sacrefice can often lead to suffering. But were we ever told that we would not suffer? Did Christ not suffer as well, not only at the cross, but also throughout his life, did he not suffer with diffetrent relationships and being rejected for example. In many instances the things we do will brin us sufering for the greater cause that we serve, and I willdeal with service anothe day, but for here how much suffering are we prepared to go through to see our young people come into relationship Jeus and see them fulfill the prupose that god has for them. I am not suggesting that we go looking for suffering, but I am prepared to suggest that if we follow wha god wants us to do, then there is a likelihood of suffering attahced to that and we have to be prepared to face that, accept that, and even live with it.

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