Thursday 22 March 2007

service leadership

By the people that we are, and the calling that is placed upon us, service is an integral part of our leadership. firstly we serve God, the one who called us to where we are and the people we work with There is little point in us being somehwere where God does not want us to be, or we will not be effective in our work. So I would suggest that youth work is a calling, not somehting that should be done, just out of good will, but out of an accknowlegement of that would be where God would want us to be. Secondly, we serve our young people. If we are serving God, then this service comes almost as second nature. And when I talk about service I am not just suggesting we pander to their wants, but mabe we look further to their needs rather than their wants, and if we serve them, then we offer them what they need. Also thourgh our service we offer guidence as we care about where they are going i their lives. to serve is not be trampled on, but to follow God to where he wants us to be, and also serve our young people in their needs and guide them to a prupose and a future that God would want for them.

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