Wednesday 14 March 2007

interactive learning?

When we look at our youthwork, and the relationships we have with young people today, how do we see them grow? And what is it we are trying to impart to them through our own experiences and lives? I have argued for a long time now that learning styles have changed dramatically over recent years, and the youthwork syle of growing and learning is probably much more apopriate for young people in todays society. If you look at how young people gain info outside of the school rhelm, it is by discussion, on msn or other places, ie text messaging or myspace, they are not likely to sit down and lisen to someone talk to them for over half an hour on an issue. So when we build our relaitonships we are engaging, interacting in a way that is apropriate for learning styles in this modern culture. the challenge to us as Christian youth leaders is that will we fall into the trap of giving that sermon talk, speaking for over 15-20 minutes on a subject without discussion or interaction, believing that we have all the answers and we are right in what we are saying. Guidence is certainly important, but I have found myself and through others, that the way of learning is by owning and working things out myself, sor ather than talking and telling should we be the people to start breaking the culture fo talking and bring the idea of interaction into modern churches and learning.

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