Friday 6 July 2007

Overcoming the giants

If you look at the story of David, He didn't really see a giant in front of him, largely because he was close to god and knew that God would protect him and look after him. The problem here was, that Saul and David's brothers wante to make the giant real for him, and even make it bigger than what it should have been. So when we work with young people, do we help them overcome their giants, do we assist at making the giants smaller, or do we actually make the giants bgger than that of what they have see ifn the first place. Would we go and stand with them to face the giant? or would we stand back and encourage them like Saul did? I am not suggesting that we take the place, although there ay be times when taking the place of someone is apropriate and useful, but sometimes we all need to face up to our giants and eal with them. So let me encourage you to encourage others to face up to their giants, help them realise that the giants they see aren't as big as they think they are, and with the right support, IE, God, then the giant has to stand down, and they will live a life in confidence and the knowledge that they can overcome all difficult situations when they rely on God.

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