Monday 23 July 2007

Ideas or vision

I am sure that this is an issue that many people face, and us as youth workers are probably more guilty of this than many other people in ministry. How many times have we come up with an idea, and think that it is reat, and we go ahead with it, and try it out, and just see what happens. I am sure that most of us have done this at one time or another. But are all our ideas from God? Do they all fit into his vision? The big challenge is for us to have those ideas, and as youth workers we should be the nes who almost have the most ideas in a church, but then we need to ensure that they fit into God's vision, because our vision shoudl be God's vision, and there is no pint in going ahead with an idea if it does nto fit into God's vision. So let's come upwith those ideas, and be ready to refine them into God's vision, to ensure that they work, andare an amazing success.

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