Thursday 20 November 2008

professionalisation of christian youthwork?

This is something that I have been debating for quite some time now. Where is there a balance between getting the qualification, and proving an understanding of our work, and also realising the claling that God has placed upon a life? Which holds more value, and which shoudl hold more value in Church today? Obviously in society the qualification holds more value, but shoudl this also be the case within the Church as well? I wuld contend, that certainly a person needs to demonstrate an understanding in the field that that they are going to be involved in, and even gain some kind of qualification in it, but demonstrate a desire for ongoing wish to learn, experience and be open to different things within the sphere they are wanting to work in. But I would also contend, that we as Christians need to recognise, calling, gifting, ability, and the plans that God has for people's lives. I think if we go down the root of continually wanting the qualification, without exploring the calling, then we are going to lose something within the Church in the future.


Unknown said...

There's an article in the most recent edition of Sojourners on the online segregation of Christians. The author basically calls it the online equivalent of Dr. King's quote, "the most segregated hour of Christian America is eleven o'clock on Sunday morning". I thought you might want add your thoughts by blogging on this issue.

Rakiesha Chase

Revd. Neal Terry said...

Your post suggest that this is an either or situation. I would advocate that there needs to be both. Few people coming forward for training in youth work do so on a whim and will generally have some experience which has provided the calling. Even secular based youth workers in the main, see what they do as more than just a job. Likewise in undergoing training, an individual may experience a specific calling which they may not have done otherwise. Neither the posession of qualification nor of calling, should exclude anyone from engaging with young people.

Jo Barrett said...

Just dropping you a line to say i am enjoying your blog - keep up the good work!!



noah and mackenzie said...

dude, where have you been? i just stumbled upon your blog and it has been years since you posted. i hope you are still doing ministry and still encouraging other leaders to be all that god has for us to be! blessings!