Tuesday 18 November 2008

being a pioneer

It is one of those things that has started to strike me more and more, that is the pioneering roll that a youthworker plays in ministry. Youth culture changes so quickly and the youthworker needs to be on top itk, and be able to be relevant to it, and also provide things, suggest ideas that all relate too in a certain way the culture is, but without dampening down the message in any way shape or form. what was relevant 10 years ago is not now, and so things need to be constantly in that developmental process so that they are able to connect with the people f the time. In DR. Who this kind of thing was referred to as a "perspective transformation", and I think this is what the pioneer, the youth worker need to have, a perspective transformation, as how they reach out will be different to so many different people, at different times.

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