Wednesday 25 April 2007

Vision and relationships!

There are many things that a youth worker has to do, and there are many things that people expect a youth worker to be able to do. Sometimes the thing that is expected gets in the way of the thing we are meant to be doing. People always want to know when are we going to see all these young people in church? When are you going to bring them all along? When sometimes the better questions would be: How are the relationships building with the young epople you are working with? Are those young people still asking questions and wanting to know more? If we focus too much on actually getting the people into Church we loose the focus of the relaitonship we are building with them. Sometimes we just needto go on a journey with the young people we are working with, keep that relationship, keep the dialogue going, and just see where it goes over a period of time. If you start puting time lengths on relationships, then you start taking away from the relationship and all the people become are numbers in your church.

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