Wednesday 4 June 2008


so far this week I have looked at propitiation, and reconciliation as far as aspects of salvation are concerned within our youthwork. Today I quickly want to look at redemption and what that might mean for us in our work. There is noone in the world I am sure who would say that they have never done anything wrong. And everyone will admit, even if not to what, but to the fact they have done, said, thought, or imagined something that is wrong. This is in Biblical terms, sin. So we need to be redeemd from our sin, redeemed from the things we have said, done, thught, imagined, that are not good. If we ask a human to help redeem us, it simply wouldn't work, as I have already stated none of us could say we have never done anything wrong, so how could we redeem others, if we are not pure, enough ourselves, we couldn't could we? So the answer comes back to God. God through his son Jesus, and his death on the cross redeems us, so we need to bring young people close to God. Maybe a starting point within this, is helping them to realise that redemption, and forgiveness is not fully possible within humans as we continually make mistakes and screw things up, but it is possible in god. the challenge therefore is for us o fin d ways, to bring people to that pint, that realisation that they need forgivenes, they need that redemption in their lives, and thus the only way that that can fully happen is through God.

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