Thursday 5 June 2008


This is the forth element of salvation that I wanted to tackle briefly this week. The first was propitiation, the wrath of God, the second was reconciliation, and the three different aspects of that, and then yesterday we looked at redemption and what that might mean in our youthwork. today I want to look at justification, and how we could possibly help eople knwo that they are justified in God's eyes. It is my belief that people need to know that they are justified in being who they are, they don't have to be anyone else, and they were created uniquely, specially, and and maybe even peculiarly them. Through the death of Jesus on the Cross people can be justified, in who they are, in their relationship with god, and in their relationships with other people. The challenge for us as youthworkers is for us to help our young people know that they are justified, in who they are, and that Christ has done it all for them, and that all they have to do is embrace that relationship, and that works good works at that will come out of that relationship. People cannot be justified by their works, that is a human approach, it is by faith, by that relaitonship with god, not by what they do. But what they do should come out of that relationship with god. If God is at the centre then great works will come out of them. So let us help people realise that it is not what they do, but who they are that is really special.

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