Tuesday 25 September 2007

Affect of pastoring

the Effect of pastoring young people can be emense. I heard a story recenlty where some youth workers were concerned about a young lad in their group. It came to light that he was being abused at home. anyway to cut a long story extremely short, by showing gods love in that family, by being with the parent and working thorugh issues, and not judging and supporting them all the way through the issues, the lad still goes to church and he mum does now as well. This would have been, and maybe should have evenbeen an issue for the authorities, but eh reality was that the Church was there and the Church help deal witht he issues, so not only was the issue sorted, but both lad and mum came to Church. This makes me think and thinkbaout the impact that we as youthworkers have not just on the young people we meet but also their family, friends, and other people in their lives. What a prielege.

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